A number of very well intentioned idea's are provided on what seems like a weekly basis, but last night I read a very interesting article about new businesses and start up's, it pointed out that at the end of the day it doesn't matter how good your business looks or how great your processes are, if customers are not coming through your door or directed to your website, eventually without sales the doors close!
So keep things simple and don't over complicate it, which in a age of technology its hard not to get overwhelmed by the complexity of business and the internet!
The common question I am asked is about my choice of location! Believe me when I say a lot of thought went in to it....
Eldon Way has been a topic of planning debate for the entire time I have had a business in Hockley which is now 10 years! many residents are not even aware we are here! So why Eldon, one of my first choices was to go to Rayleigh, in comparison to Hockley it is a bustling little Town with a good selection of shops to peruse at your leisure!
However, Hockley has a lot to offer, so based on the experiences learned by establishing myself here I have come to realise the following:-
- Those who walk will walk anywhere!
- Those who drive prefer to park right outside (I'm one of these people) we have parking right outside!!
- With larger premises I have space to grow and develop and offer more to my customers.
- and simply I wanted to keep it local.
So with all this in mind....
- How do I reach out to my customers?
- How do I keep it interesting?
- How do I give my customers what they want?
Now is the time to tell me what you want and if I can I will provide it, my business is all about the home, your home and making life in it easier!
Email me urbanhomeanddesign@gmail.com with your comments and feedback and lets see where it takes us!